duminică, 3 august 2014

Lesson #7 | Today's quote!

    Dragilor, sa nu va ganditi ca am uitat de voi si de citatul din fiecare zi, nu am facut-o, serios, am avut remuscari in fiecare seara ca nu v-am scris macar cateva cuvintele, doar ca am fost putin ocupata, si ziua de la piscina si toate celelalte, voi nu stiti, dar atunci cand merg la piscina imi place sa stau acolo o zi intreaga, de la orele diminetii pana inspre seara, si asa am facut, oboseala m-a prins din urma, scuze dragilor. Acest citat ilustreaza ceea ce tocmai am facut, explorati mai mult, este vara, chiar si Calvin Harris a scris un cantec despre vara, il ador, chiar acum e pe repeat si ma gandesc ce sa fac maine, dar totusi nu va ganditi prea mult, cum am spus mai tot spun, e vara, fiti spontani, fiecare vara isi are povestea, aceasta vara nu se va mai intoarce asa ca explorati cat mai mult, dar sa nu va ganditi ca a explora inseamna neaparat sa mergeti intr-o vacanta scumpa pe nu stiu ce insula tropicala, nu, inseamna sa ganditi ca orice lucru ati face e interesant, chiar si sa mananci un nou sortiment de inghetata, sau sa mergi la localul ala nou din oras despre care ai auzit ca au un cocktail fain, asta inseamna sa explorezi, sa faci cele mai nebunesti, simple, interesante lucruri pe care nu le-ai mai facut inainte, sau nu le-ai mai facut de mult timp, fii tu, fii original, si intotdeauna fa noi tipuri de activitati pentru a evita o viata monotona!
    Darlings, don't you think that I forgot about you and about the #everydayquote, I didn't, I only was a little bit busy, and the pool day and all of that, you don't even know, but when I go at the pool I love to stay a hole day, so I did, and the tiredness caught me up, sorry dears, but this quote ilustrate what I just did, dears explore more, it's summer, even Calvin Harris writes a song about summer, I love it, right now is on repeat and I'm thinkning what should I do tomorrow, but don't think a lot, as I said, it's summer, be spontaneous, every summer has its story and this summer will never come back, so explore more, but don't even think that exploring means only going on a fancy expensive vacation on I don't know what tropical island, no, it means to think that every thing you do should be interesting, even when you eat a new type of icecream, or going at that new place in town that you heard they have a nice cocktail, that means to explore, to do the craziest, simpliest, interesting things that you never done before, be you, be original, and always make new types of activites for avoiding an humdrum life!

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