marți, 4 august 2015

Long time no (all)black


Nu stiu ce as putea sa va scriu, poate de asta am si lasat scrisul la urma.. nu stiu in ce maniera sa imi asez ideile, dar sa incep cu inceputul(cel putin in mintea mea, acum).
Am sa incep cu o intrebare: ce e mai fain la vara decat faptul ca poti sa arunci pe tine o rochie, si atat, restul tine de accesorizare, nu trebuie sa te gandesti daca piesa 'x' merge cu piesa 'y' sau cu 'z', pur si simplu imbraci rochia preferata(in acel moment), si vezi tu cu ce papuci merge, simplu, nu?
Eu am mizat pe un stil usor elegant, cel putin pentru mine e, si tare mai duceam dorul unei tinute 'all black' pentru ca e vara si nu suport sa ma 'bata soarele'n cap', vorba aia. Deci, look elegant, rochita asta e perfecta, am primit-o recent si tineam mortis sa o pun pe mine, e larguta, din bumbac+ tesatura(desupra) si iti permite sa te misti, fara sa se ridice sau sa fie incomoda, ceea ce eu consider un mare +.


I don't know what to write you, maybe that's why I left the writing at the bottom of the post.. I don't know how to manage my ideas , but let's start with the begining.
I'll start with a question: what's cooler on summer than the fact than you can throw on you a dress just like that, everything else is about accesories, nothing more, nothing less. You don't have to think if 'that' goes well with 'that' or 'that', you just wear that dress you love and this is it.
I went on a (kind of)elegant look , at least I guess, and I was craving for an 'all black' look, because it's summer and I don't wear often black. This dress is perfect, I just got it and I was excited about wearing it as soon as I could; it has the perfect length, it's a bit larger, the material is nice, allows your skin to breathe, which is great on a hot summer day.

Rochita NEXT | Balerini, gentuta H&M | Ochelari de soare Chanel 

P.S.: Stay tunned for a hair product review, available in En too! 
Xoxo, L.

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