marți, 12 august 2014

Lesson #8 | After a long time

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    Iubire, orice am face, orice am spune, absolut orice este legat de iubire, totul este legat de iubire, asa-i? Si mai este adevarat ca lucrurile mici sunt cele care conteaza in viata cu adevarat, asa ca de ce nu am urma acest citat ca si motto? Faceti lucruri mici cu multa iubire, oameni buni, recunosc ca sunt extrem de rusinata ca au trecut atatea zile in care nu am postat citatul zilnic, dar ramane o mica speranta, pentru mine, ca dupa toate citatele pe care le-am postat, sa va gasiti pe voi insiva in ele, asa cum am mai spus este important sa ai un citat in viata dupa care sa te ghidezi, si nu numai unul, chiar mai multe, cat de multe aveti nevoie, pe cat de multe v-ar face sa va simtiti bine in pielea voastra, pe cat de multe sa credeti in ceea ce faceti, pe cat de multe sa faceti lucruri mici cu multa iubire!
    Stiti ce se intampla in momentul in care faceti lucruri mici cu multa iubire? Acele lucruri mici vor deveni tot mai mari, datorita iubirii pe care o investiti, datorita devotamentului, datorita credintei in acele lucruri, trebuie sa credeti in orice lucru ati face, pentru a fi intradevar bine facut. Cand spui iubire spui maretie, pentru ca iubirea inseamna toate lucrurile mentionate in propozitia anterioara, si chiar mai mult, inseamna credita, onestitate, bucurie, fericire, pasiune, hobby, compasiune, grija, iar atunci cand pui toate lucrurile astea in ceea ce faci nu are cum sa nu iasa ceva bun, mai mult ca sigur procentajul va fi mai mult de 100% pozitiv!


    Love, everything we do, everything we say, absolutlely everything it's connected with love, it's all about love, right? And it's also true that the small things are the ones who count in life, so why we shouldn't follow this quote as a motto? Do small things with great love, people I'm so ashamed now after all this days I didn't post the #everydayquote, but what remains is a little hope, for me, that after all the quotes I post to find yourselfves in them, as I said it's important to have a motto in life, and not just one, more, as more as you need, as more as you feel confident, as more as you believe in yourselves, as more as you do small things with great love!
    You know what happens in the moment you do small things with great love? That small things will became great things, thanks to the love you put in, thanks to the devotion you have in those moments, thanks to the faith, you have to believe in every thing you do, you have to believe in youselves for every single thing to be well done. When you say love you say greatness, because love means all the things that I enumerated to you a sentence before, and even more, it means faith, honesty, joy, happiness, passion, hobby, mercy, care, and when you put all this things in something is more than sure that the percentage will be more than 100% positive!

Love and kisses from the positive L.

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